I stayed up almost until 1:00am this morning doing laundry! So, when Sean got up for his early morning meetings at 5:30am wondering where his white shirt was I was alittle confused. Was I imagining washing the white shirt? Well, I wasn't imagining washing a white shirt, but the white shirt that I did wash was Tyler's. Oops. I was racking my brain wondering what I did with Sean's white shirt. I finally remembered that Sean went to the temple this past week and never returned it to me. So, I just took it out of the temple bag and ironed it. There he went to his meetings with a not so clean shirt. He seriously needs to invest in at least one more church shirt.
After Sean left I folded some clothes and got the kids clothes laid out. I got ready and then started to wake the dead. :) The kids did good getting up and dressed for me. The only problem that we had this morning was Tyler being bossy and teasing his sisters. So really nothing new.
Well at church the kids did well. Sean got Ethan to sleep during Fast and Testimony meeting. Isabelle was a little on the cranky side. I knew that I really wanted to bear my testimony. I hate giving talks and I dislike bearing my testimony, but I felt the spirit so I knew that it had to be done. I was trying to talk my way out of it, but there was such a LONG and awkward pause that I knew it was my turn. So, I stood up and carried Isabelle up there with me. I didn't want to chance her screaming for me and waking up Ethan. So, as I am bearing my testimony I see people smiling and laughing a little. I am thinking to myself, "i don't think i am saying anything funny." I look over to Isabelle and the girl is totally digging for gold while I was holding her! Eeewww!!! How embarrassing!
I was asked to help with nursery the first hour. Sure. Okay we got a little spoiled down in Florida. The nursery was so clean and the kids were actually fed food, not just animal crackers. I am sure budgets are different every where. The nursery needs a major makeover in the toy department, too! Broken toys, missing pieces to toys. Also Florida's nursery was so well organized and ran right down to the minute. That totally makes a difference for the kids and the adults. Maybe it isn't always like how it was today. It was probably a little chaotic because lack of teachers and it is the 5th Sunday combined meeting. We shall see.
Tyler had a talk to give. He did such a great job standing up there and repeating everything I told him to say. I think Tyler is now past that stage. I think he is to the stage were we can sit down with him and help write out his talk and he can read it at the pulpit next time. I think it will mean more to him. But for today he did a great job!
The last hour of church was combined. The topic was about unity in the ward. I wasn't able to hear all of it, but what I did hear I completely agree with. We also talked about being prepared in case of any disasters. I know that is is good to be prepared and that to be prepared things like this need to be discussed, but it does frighten me. I want to be prepared in case that something does happen, but I pray that nothing ever will happen.
As I pulled up to the house after church I could see that the home teachers were already here. Makes sense, last day of the month. :) I really do enjoy when the home teachers come, but I with living arrangements right now I don't want to have any. Way too stressful!
After the HT left it was on to two of our family's favorite Sunday activities- Lunch and Quiet time. Oh my gosh! I took a 2 hour nap and it felt fantastic!!
I woke up and went on to another great Sunday activity-dinner. Tonight was leftover night. Chili was our leftover from last night when I made it for the GRS broadcast. It tasted so good! It is funny how dinners are at our house on the Sabbath. It is either feast or famine. Some Sundays I really go all out and make a great meal or some Sundays nothing is really planned it is every man for himself. Nothing usually in between.
Well we ended our Sabbath with creating our family banner/Title of Liberty. The stake is having a some activity next week and every family was asked to decorate a handkerchief and make a banner representing your family. All other wards in the stake received their handkerchiefs in August, but we got ours last week. Ours isn't the cutest, but is what we came up with. Maybe I will take a picture of it. Maybe not. It is super ugly. Oh well the kids had fun decorating it.
Tonight we also read our scriptures and Isabelle was so funny. I would read something and then she would repeat a couple of the last words I would say and cheer. So I read, "Herod was a wicked king." Isabelle, "Yay Herod." I read, "Herod killed his wife and 2 sons." Isabelle, "Yay Herod." I stopped and said, "Isabelle, Herod was wicked." Isabelle, "Oh." (with a big grin on her face.) Silly girl.
Sean and I are working on two things, kneeling during family prayer. I think that is very important and sadly we have never really made the kids do this. The other thing is having the kids be responsible and say their own personal prayers. I think that is very important. The kids usually do say there personal prayers while they are laying in there beds, but I want to make sure they are doing it every night and I would like them to kneel and make them meaningful. I think I am going to create some prayer charts for them.
Well, that is about it.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
We woke up hurrying around the house. We slept in which felt wonderful, but it left us pressed for time to head to the bank before it closed and before Tyler's soccer game started. Mission was accomplished, we made it to the bank. :) We got to Tyler's game and was set up to cheer him on. The first half of the game Tyler was so slow and in La La Land. Finally he snapped out of the spell he was in and did really good the second half of the game. Tyler's team, the Sharks won!! We were thrilled about the victory and Tyler was happy that he SCORED!!
We head home for some lunch. While I was making lunch the kids were arguing with each other. Okay that has got to stop. I can't stand the bickering back and forth. DRIVES ME CRAZY!! Well they didn't just stop the arguing, but they stepped it up a notch. AAAHHH! After they ate lunch they played for alittle longer, Sean got Ethan to sleep and I jumped in the bath! It was so nice to be by myself even if it was for just 10 minutes. The kids were still really restless so I tried to calm them down by making them sit down and watch a cartoon. That only works for alittle bit. It did give me enough time to almost finish making chili for dinner and the General RS Broadcast, tonight. Well, the rough housing ended with a bang. That would be because of Isabelle. She ran into grammy's coffee table face first. She busted her lip, bruised her chin, and scraped her chest. That is when dad stepped in! Needless to say all the kids were sitting down again watching a cartoon afraid to move a muscle. ;)
I headed to the store to pick up a few items for dinner tonight and for tomorrow. I just had Ethan with me so my trip to the grocer's was quick. I hurried home, dropped off the groceries and headed back out the door with the MIL. We were headed over to a sister's house in the ward to eat, visit, and watch the broadcast. We were having a potato bar. It was very good and the desserts that were brought were good too! It was nice to be able to visit with the ladies in the ward. I am glad I went. I loved the talks that I heard tonight as well!
I glanced around the room at each of the ladies and it is so nice to know that no one is perfect. We were gathering and listening to our leaders as sisters. We need the love and the support of each other. Everyone's trials are going to be different, but we all know that everyone has some sort of trial. No matter how big or small it may be you don't have to master it on your own. I just think that is beautiful. Heavenly Father is there for us right along with our sisters' in Zion! I feel truly blessed for the wonderful visiting teachers that I have had in my life and the visiting teachers that I have now! I feel blessed to be a part of such of wonderful program called Relief Society.
After the broadcast I came to a happy home filled with happy, clean kids. I am so happy that Sean had bathed the kids. So all I had left to do was to make sure they brush their teeth and have family prayer and scriptures.
We head home for some lunch. While I was making lunch the kids were arguing with each other. Okay that has got to stop. I can't stand the bickering back and forth. DRIVES ME CRAZY!! Well they didn't just stop the arguing, but they stepped it up a notch. AAAHHH! After they ate lunch they played for alittle longer, Sean got Ethan to sleep and I jumped in the bath! It was so nice to be by myself even if it was for just 10 minutes. The kids were still really restless so I tried to calm them down by making them sit down and watch a cartoon. That only works for alittle bit. It did give me enough time to almost finish making chili for dinner and the General RS Broadcast, tonight. Well, the rough housing ended with a bang. That would be because of Isabelle. She ran into grammy's coffee table face first. She busted her lip, bruised her chin, and scraped her chest. That is when dad stepped in! Needless to say all the kids were sitting down again watching a cartoon afraid to move a muscle. ;)
I headed to the store to pick up a few items for dinner tonight and for tomorrow. I just had Ethan with me so my trip to the grocer's was quick. I hurried home, dropped off the groceries and headed back out the door with the MIL. We were headed over to a sister's house in the ward to eat, visit, and watch the broadcast. We were having a potato bar. It was very good and the desserts that were brought were good too! It was nice to be able to visit with the ladies in the ward. I am glad I went. I loved the talks that I heard tonight as well!
I glanced around the room at each of the ladies and it is so nice to know that no one is perfect. We were gathering and listening to our leaders as sisters. We need the love and the support of each other. Everyone's trials are going to be different, but we all know that everyone has some sort of trial. No matter how big or small it may be you don't have to master it on your own. I just think that is beautiful. Heavenly Father is there for us right along with our sisters' in Zion! I feel truly blessed for the wonderful visiting teachers that I have had in my life and the visiting teachers that I have now! I feel blessed to be a part of such of wonderful program called Relief Society.
After the broadcast I came to a happy home filled with happy, clean kids. I am so happy that Sean had bathed the kids. So all I had left to do was to make sure they brush their teeth and have family prayer and scriptures.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Dang Computer and mail man!
Tyler was sent off to school in a grumpy mood. Talk about moody! What is his deal? On the way to school I asked him if he would say the prayer. The only thing he said or asked for was "please help my mom be nicer." After that I told him that he needs to lose the attitude because it will get him in trouble at school and he said, "I am not mad at anyone else, just you." I seriously don't know what to do with that boy. I guess I can look on the postive side at least he is praying and at least he is honest. Any suggestions on dealing with a grump? Can't wait for teenage years. Yipee! (NOT!)
I called the doctors office today to see if I could bring Ethan in for a sick visit. I think he is getting an ear infection. Well, since I just switched new doctors, I need to go into the office and fill out paperwork and then it will take 24 hours for them to process it AND THEN I can make an appointment for Ethan.
So, I hurried and got cleaned up, canceled my visting teachers to come and see me, and give the girls a bath. Well, I got through to one of my visiting teachers, but the other one wasn't able to be reached until she reached my door. I let her give me the lesson. It was short. I hope she doesn't think I was rude, but I was in a hurry. Sean had finished giving the girls bathes for me and I got them dressed.
I knew it would happen, but my the time I got the girls dressed and fed it was time to feed Ethan, then feed the girls lunch and so on and so on. So, I wasn't able to make it to the doctor's today. I will have to do that tomorrow.
Today was JaNae's b-day and I made her the funniest card. I laughed so hard! It was off of JibJab.com. What a fun site!
I picked Tyler up and he was in a better mood. He told me that he got in a fight at the playground. I had to pry the information out of him and this is what I pieced together- The girls were out numbering the boys so Tyler and a couple of his buddies went and started spanking the girls on their bottoms. WHAT? He said his teacher talked to him. I didn't jump all over him about the incident, because I want him to know that I am here for him when he makes mistakes and I will always love him.
I ventured off to Sam's Club. Oh my gosh the kids were so good. I got talked to by a Sam's Club employee about how smart I am for having my kids so close together. I was surprised how interested this man was about my children and the age difference between them all. Luckily for me the kids were so well behaved I didn't mind having people talk to me at the store.
Came home, ate dinner, homework, and bed. Sean went to the temple tonight. I could have gone as well, but Mrs. Procrastinator procrastinated and doesn't have my new temple recommend. I am very happy that Sean was able to go the temple, next time for sure I want to go with him!
Emily's allergies seemed to really be acting up, too. Her sneezing is out of control at times. She had to have a treatment tonight. It has been almost a month since she has had a treatment. Poor Girl.
Isabelle is very good at playing the game, "Monkey see monkey do" If she coughs she thinks that she will get to take the treatment medicine that Emily takes, WRONG!
Well that is about it. It seems like I wasted the day on the computer or waiting on the mail man. Tomorrow is filled with all the stuff that needed to get taken care of today. Fun! Fun!
I called the doctors office today to see if I could bring Ethan in for a sick visit. I think he is getting an ear infection. Well, since I just switched new doctors, I need to go into the office and fill out paperwork and then it will take 24 hours for them to process it AND THEN I can make an appointment for Ethan.
So, I hurried and got cleaned up, canceled my visting teachers to come and see me, and give the girls a bath. Well, I got through to one of my visiting teachers, but the other one wasn't able to be reached until she reached my door. I let her give me the lesson. It was short. I hope she doesn't think I was rude, but I was in a hurry. Sean had finished giving the girls bathes for me and I got them dressed.
I knew it would happen, but my the time I got the girls dressed and fed it was time to feed Ethan, then feed the girls lunch and so on and so on. So, I wasn't able to make it to the doctor's today. I will have to do that tomorrow.
Today was JaNae's b-day and I made her the funniest card. I laughed so hard! It was off of JibJab.com. What a fun site!
I picked Tyler up and he was in a better mood. He told me that he got in a fight at the playground. I had to pry the information out of him and this is what I pieced together- The girls were out numbering the boys so Tyler and a couple of his buddies went and started spanking the girls on their bottoms. WHAT? He said his teacher talked to him. I didn't jump all over him about the incident, because I want him to know that I am here for him when he makes mistakes and I will always love him.
I ventured off to Sam's Club. Oh my gosh the kids were so good. I got talked to by a Sam's Club employee about how smart I am for having my kids so close together. I was surprised how interested this man was about my children and the age difference between them all. Luckily for me the kids were so well behaved I didn't mind having people talk to me at the store.
Came home, ate dinner, homework, and bed. Sean went to the temple tonight. I could have gone as well, but Mrs. Procrastinator procrastinated and doesn't have my new temple recommend. I am very happy that Sean was able to go the temple, next time for sure I want to go with him!
Emily's allergies seemed to really be acting up, too. Her sneezing is out of control at times. She had to have a treatment tonight. It has been almost a month since she has had a treatment. Poor Girl.
Isabelle is very good at playing the game, "Monkey see monkey do" If she coughs she thinks that she will get to take the treatment medicine that Emily takes, WRONG!
Well that is about it. It seems like I wasted the day on the computer or waiting on the mail man. Tomorrow is filled with all the stuff that needed to get taken care of today. Fun! Fun!
Monday, September 24, 2007
I finally have a moment to type something. We have been crazy busy here. The weekend was packed full of fun so we are still recovering from all the partying we did. We are doing well. Well, everyone but Ethan. He is cutting his bottom teeth and hasn't been feeling so good. I am off to go through Tyler's backpack and folder, sweep the kitchen and get ready for soccer practice. :)
Monday, September 17, 2007
The Key to a Great Day!
What a great day today was!
Sean stayed home and studied. He also made a couple of phone calls that could REALLY help business. Definitely pray and keep your fingers crossed for us.
I was able to clean, do school work with the girls, take Tyler to soccer and pick up Little Caesar's Pizza for dinner. *( Maybe that is the key to a great day. Make Monday nights pizza nights.)* When Tyler woke up this morning he was not grumpy. He was not grumpy when he came home from school. He did his homework in less than 30 minutes WITHOUT complaining. He did great at soccer practice. He wasn't too resistant at bedtime either!! Holy cow! I can't believe I am typing this!
Emily was such a big help today!
Isabelle was alittle on the cranky side, but hey since I was in a good mood I could handle her.
And lastly Ethan didn't even fall down the stairs head first. Oh my gosh talk about scary. I put Ethan down in the living room and I ASSUMED (we all know what happens when we assume) that Sean was watching him. I was unloading the dishwasher and I went to check on Ethan. I was terrified to see that Ethan was seriously head first down on the first step of 14! I bolted over to get him and in my mind for that second it seemed as if I was running in slow motion and wasn't going to get to him in time. I prayed thanking Heavenly Father that he didn't fall. I felt so shaky and sick when I picked him up. Well I learned my lessons. Don't assume and don't let Ethan out of my sight.
See what great day- no kids were harmed, lessons learned and I didn't have to make dinner.
Sean stayed home and studied. He also made a couple of phone calls that could REALLY help business. Definitely pray and keep your fingers crossed for us.
I was able to clean, do school work with the girls, take Tyler to soccer and pick up Little Caesar's Pizza for dinner. *( Maybe that is the key to a great day. Make Monday nights pizza nights.)* When Tyler woke up this morning he was not grumpy. He was not grumpy when he came home from school. He did his homework in less than 30 minutes WITHOUT complaining. He did great at soccer practice. He wasn't too resistant at bedtime either!! Holy cow! I can't believe I am typing this!
Emily was such a big help today!
Isabelle was alittle on the cranky side, but hey since I was in a good mood I could handle her.
And lastly Ethan didn't even fall down the stairs head first. Oh my gosh talk about scary. I put Ethan down in the living room and I ASSUMED (we all know what happens when we assume) that Sean was watching him. I was unloading the dishwasher and I went to check on Ethan. I was terrified to see that Ethan was seriously head first down on the first step of 14! I bolted over to get him and in my mind for that second it seemed as if I was running in slow motion and wasn't going to get to him in time. I prayed thanking Heavenly Father that he didn't fall. I felt so shaky and sick when I picked him up. Well I learned my lessons. Don't assume and don't let Ethan out of my sight.
See what great day- no kids were harmed, lessons learned and I didn't have to make dinner.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
The Weekend
Friday- Friday was the much anticipated day, it was Father & Son Campout for the guys and The Princess Party for the girls. The kids were so excited for evening to come! Other than that it was pretty much a normal day.
While Tyler was at school I received a call from the nurse at his school. A kid touched Tyler on the back of the neck with peanut butter fingers. ;) Tyler is allergic to all nuts so if he comes in contact with the nut's oils that can break him out into hives. The nurse informed me that it happened about 5 minutes ago and she washed Tyler's neck. I told her just to watch him, but don't give him the Benadryl unless she sees the hives. If he is going to break out it will happen with in 30 minutes and I don't want to make him drowsy if it is just a false alarm. After I got off the phone with the nurse Sean and I quickly said a prayer. I never received a phone call so I knew he was going to be fine. I was getting mad and jumping to conclusions of what happened. I pictured a kid teasing Tyler and purposely touching him to see what type of reaction he would have. Kids can me so mean. Thursday night at Scouts a little boy was chasing Tyler around with a peanut butter cookie trying to touch him. So, here I am thinking that he might be being picked on at school and I am ready to walk in the school boxing. Fortunately my assumptions were wrong. Tyler said that he was eating lunch next to a boy who was eating a peanut butter cracker and the kid was stretching or waving his arms in the air, but when his arms came down he accidentally TAPPED Tyler on the neck. I personally think that Tyler was touched so lightly that any oils that were on the kids fingers couldn't have rubbed off on Tyler because the touch was so soft. Tyler said when he felt like he was touched that he "freaked out". Poor paranoid kid. (I wonder where he gets that from?) Tyler said the kid felt really bad for what happened and repeatedly apologized to him. Glad nothing serious happened. Still has me nervous for the future.
Well, after we get home everyone is running around the house getting organized for our big nights. The guys had gone shopping the night before so all of their food is ready. Tyler packs up his clothes. Sean packs up the bedding, t.v., dvd, movies, and guns. On Saturday morning the guys are going target shooting with friends. I get the girls ready with makeup and nail polish. They were so excited! They looked adorable. Beautiful Princesses.
After the guys left we left shortly after. We made a pit stop at Wal-Mart (of course). I bought drinks, chips, and dip. There were 10 girls and 5 moms. It was lots of fun. We ate, made princess wands, took pictures of the girls and made princess picture frames and just talked.
Towards the end I noticed that I couldn't find my keys. We looked everywhere, but no luck. I had locked them in the car, so I spent the night at Sarah's. I was grateful to Sarah for letting me stay, but I wanted get home to finish my cleaning. Oh well, fairy tales don't always have happy endings, do they?
Saturday- We (the girls, Ethan and I) woke up and we were at the Faulstick's house. I had to wait until noon for Sean to bring me the set of keys to unlock the car. Locking the keys in the car seriously put me so far behind on what needed to get done for Saturday. When we got home the boys got cleaned up and Sean made lunch with the leftover campout food.
Ethan was so cranky!! He is getting his front bottom teeth in right now, so maybe that is his problem. I was kind of in a grumpy mood myself. I didn't even get to take a shower until around 3:30pm. Talk about a late start.
Later, I went to the store to figure out what we were going to have for dinner. I decided we were going to have dinner for breakfast. Always a family favorite. We had FHE. We talked about Alma the Younger, played UNO, and for treat (brace yourself for this super exhausting, lazy treat) Fruit Snacks. What a crap FHE. I have got to try harder. After, FHE bedtime. I stayed up way too late doing laundry, making HFPE reminders, and organizing up activities for HFPE.
Sunday- Should have never stayed up that late. I slept in 15 min. longer than I liked to. I was rushing around getting the kids up and dressed. This morning the kids were a little slow rising from their beds. I just didn't feel prepared as I was heading over to church this morning and I don't like that feeling.
The speakers were good. Sean spoke so I took Isabelle and Ethan in the Relief Society room so they wouldn't cry for him. Actually all the speakers did a good job. I actually was able to hear all of the talks. Rare. I didn't make Sunday School, one of these days I will. But, I did get to hear Relief Society, mostly, and the lesson was good as well.
Came home from church with the munchies. Yum food! The kids are finally taking naps so I am going to do more with the HFPE calendars, plan out my week, plan visiting teaching appts., and write to some relatives today.
While Tyler was at school I received a call from the nurse at his school. A kid touched Tyler on the back of the neck with peanut butter fingers. ;) Tyler is allergic to all nuts so if he comes in contact with the nut's oils that can break him out into hives. The nurse informed me that it happened about 5 minutes ago and she washed Tyler's neck. I told her just to watch him, but don't give him the Benadryl unless she sees the hives. If he is going to break out it will happen with in 30 minutes and I don't want to make him drowsy if it is just a false alarm. After I got off the phone with the nurse Sean and I quickly said a prayer. I never received a phone call so I knew he was going to be fine. I was getting mad and jumping to conclusions of what happened. I pictured a kid teasing Tyler and purposely touching him to see what type of reaction he would have. Kids can me so mean. Thursday night at Scouts a little boy was chasing Tyler around with a peanut butter cookie trying to touch him. So, here I am thinking that he might be being picked on at school and I am ready to walk in the school boxing. Fortunately my assumptions were wrong. Tyler said that he was eating lunch next to a boy who was eating a peanut butter cracker and the kid was stretching or waving his arms in the air, but when his arms came down he accidentally TAPPED Tyler on the neck. I personally think that Tyler was touched so lightly that any oils that were on the kids fingers couldn't have rubbed off on Tyler because the touch was so soft. Tyler said when he felt like he was touched that he "freaked out". Poor paranoid kid. (I wonder where he gets that from?) Tyler said the kid felt really bad for what happened and repeatedly apologized to him. Glad nothing serious happened. Still has me nervous for the future.
Well, after we get home everyone is running around the house getting organized for our big nights. The guys had gone shopping the night before so all of their food is ready. Tyler packs up his clothes. Sean packs up the bedding, t.v., dvd, movies, and guns. On Saturday morning the guys are going target shooting with friends. I get the girls ready with makeup and nail polish. They were so excited! They looked adorable. Beautiful Princesses.
After the guys left we left shortly after. We made a pit stop at Wal-Mart (of course). I bought drinks, chips, and dip. There were 10 girls and 5 moms. It was lots of fun. We ate, made princess wands, took pictures of the girls and made princess picture frames and just talked.
Towards the end I noticed that I couldn't find my keys. We looked everywhere, but no luck. I had locked them in the car, so I spent the night at Sarah's. I was grateful to Sarah for letting me stay, but I wanted get home to finish my cleaning. Oh well, fairy tales don't always have happy endings, do they?
Saturday- We (the girls, Ethan and I) woke up and we were at the Faulstick's house. I had to wait until noon for Sean to bring me the set of keys to unlock the car. Locking the keys in the car seriously put me so far behind on what needed to get done for Saturday. When we got home the boys got cleaned up and Sean made lunch with the leftover campout food.
Ethan was so cranky!! He is getting his front bottom teeth in right now, so maybe that is his problem. I was kind of in a grumpy mood myself. I didn't even get to take a shower until around 3:30pm. Talk about a late start.
Later, I went to the store to figure out what we were going to have for dinner. I decided we were going to have dinner for breakfast. Always a family favorite. We had FHE. We talked about Alma the Younger, played UNO, and for treat (brace yourself for this super exhausting, lazy treat) Fruit Snacks. What a crap FHE. I have got to try harder. After, FHE bedtime. I stayed up way too late doing laundry, making HFPE reminders, and organizing up activities for HFPE.
Sunday- Should have never stayed up that late. I slept in 15 min. longer than I liked to. I was rushing around getting the kids up and dressed. This morning the kids were a little slow rising from their beds. I just didn't feel prepared as I was heading over to church this morning and I don't like that feeling.
The speakers were good. Sean spoke so I took Isabelle and Ethan in the Relief Society room so they wouldn't cry for him. Actually all the speakers did a good job. I actually was able to hear all of the talks. Rare. I didn't make Sunday School, one of these days I will. But, I did get to hear Relief Society, mostly, and the lesson was good as well.
Came home from church with the munchies. Yum food! The kids are finally taking naps so I am going to do more with the HFPE calendars, plan out my week, plan visiting teaching appts., and write to some relatives today.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Started the day off in a grumpy way. Tyler is a grouch when he wakes up and it is so hard keeping a happy disposition when dealing with a grump. Sometimes I just want to smack him, but I know that wouldn't be right. Blah, blah, blah...so I TRY to discipline with love, much easier said than done.
Off to school for Tyler. I hurry home and get myself ready for the day. Next on the the girls and get them ready for the day. I was planing on spending my afternoon at home. I have gotten behind on my household duties so I was trying to play catch up. It didn't go as planned. At least think I got the doctor situation straightened out (keeping fingers crossed).
I made the girls and I lunch. While we were eating I couldn't help but notice how cute they are. Emily is thrilled she has her baby dolls back. She also keeps dressing up as Princess Ariel. Well, Princess Ariel's outfit isn't very modest so I just have the girls put the costumes on over there clothes. Today Emily was just wearing her Princess Ariel costume and nothing under it, except her undies, so she looked like Hooker Princess Ariel. Isabelle was so cute in her green princess dress. She loves twirling in it! They are so funny. They also played beauty shop and I was a customer. They must be trying to tell mom something! :)
Anyways, I made some, actually I spooned some dough out of a tub from Sam's Club and baked some cookies. Whatever works. I also made some Homemade Chicken and Rice Soup(oh yeah! making up for the cookies)! YUMMO!
Sean was home most the day. No offense to him, but it seems like I hardly get anything accomplished when he is home. I don't know what it is, but it always seems like that.
Thursday night is the big activity night. Tyler had soccer practice. He looked really good out there. Go Tyler! The girls had fun playing on the playground, the swings, running wild, and digging in the dirt! Ethan enjoyed the swings.
Straight from soccer and on to Tiger Scouts. The kids were super wound up!! On the way to Scouts Sean called me and told me that after Scouts Tyler and him were going to go to Wal-Mart and pick out snacks for the Father and Son. "Hurry it up Sean, Tyler does have school in the morning." . At Scouts the Tiger Cubs were introduced to the Flag Ceremony routine. They will be in charge of it at the Pack Meeting in October. They need LOTS of practice. They also went for a little walk and collected leaves of trees around the building to do a leaf rubbing. They handed out to the parent an agenda for the rest of the year. YIKES!! Oh well, I like staying busy. I still need to get Tyler's book and uniform. Next week Sean will take Tyler and it is a bicycle rodeo. I need to work with him this coming week on riding a bike without training wheels. That will be fun. After scouts I picked up Burger King for the starving children and Sean. Then I dropped Tyler off to dad to get some snacks.
I brought the girls home. They were so good about going to bed. Tyler got home around 10pm. I know super late! He is going to be tired and cranky tomorrow! Ethan finally fell asleep so I should be getting in bed too.
On to another event full day.
Off to school for Tyler. I hurry home and get myself ready for the day. Next on the the girls and get them ready for the day. I was planing on spending my afternoon at home. I have gotten behind on my household duties so I was trying to play catch up. It didn't go as planned. At least think I got the doctor situation straightened out (keeping fingers crossed).
I made the girls and I lunch. While we were eating I couldn't help but notice how cute they are. Emily is thrilled she has her baby dolls back. She also keeps dressing up as Princess Ariel. Well, Princess Ariel's outfit isn't very modest so I just have the girls put the costumes on over there clothes. Today Emily was just wearing her Princess Ariel costume and nothing under it, except her undies, so she looked like Hooker Princess Ariel. Isabelle was so cute in her green princess dress. She loves twirling in it! They are so funny. They also played beauty shop and I was a customer. They must be trying to tell mom something! :)
Anyways, I made some, actually I spooned some dough out of a tub from Sam's Club and baked some cookies. Whatever works. I also made some Homemade Chicken and Rice Soup(oh yeah! making up for the cookies)! YUMMO!
Sean was home most the day. No offense to him, but it seems like I hardly get anything accomplished when he is home. I don't know what it is, but it always seems like that.
Thursday night is the big activity night. Tyler had soccer practice. He looked really good out there. Go Tyler! The girls had fun playing on the playground, the swings, running wild, and digging in the dirt! Ethan enjoyed the swings.
Straight from soccer and on to Tiger Scouts. The kids were super wound up!! On the way to Scouts Sean called me and told me that after Scouts Tyler and him were going to go to Wal-Mart and pick out snacks for the Father and Son. "Hurry it up Sean, Tyler does have school in the morning." . At Scouts the Tiger Cubs were introduced to the Flag Ceremony routine. They will be in charge of it at the Pack Meeting in October. They need LOTS of practice. They also went for a little walk and collected leaves of trees around the building to do a leaf rubbing. They handed out to the parent an agenda for the rest of the year. YIKES!! Oh well, I like staying busy. I still need to get Tyler's book and uniform. Next week Sean will take Tyler and it is a bicycle rodeo. I need to work with him this coming week on riding a bike without training wheels. That will be fun. After scouts I picked up Burger King for the starving children and Sean. Then I dropped Tyler off to dad to get some snacks.
I brought the girls home. They were so good about going to bed. Tyler got home around 10pm. I know super late! He is going to be tired and cranky tomorrow! Ethan finally fell asleep so I should be getting in bed too.
On to another event full day.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I am in the Fall Cleaning Mode!
Last night I was up until 1am finishing the packing up summer clothes and organizing our closet. I have 2 boxes of clothes for my sister to send out, two bags of clothes to give to my friend for her little boy, 1 bag of baby girl clothes to give to another friend AND a garbage bag full of clothes to give to the Goodwill. I swear I could clothe a small country with my children's clothes. The crazy thing is I hardly buy clothes for them. Tammy gives me TONS of the CUTEST girls clothes. Thanks Tam! Love you!
I dropped Tyler off at school today and on the way home I received a phone call from a friend who accidentally locked her keys in the car. So, she asked if I could take her little girl to school. Sure! Been there and it sucks so anything to help out a friend in need. I drop off the little girl. I was in good spirits, the "I just helped someone out today and it is only 9:00am" mood. That feeling quickly changed when I heard a message on the answering machine about a credit card we had SIX FREAKIN YEARS ago. Hopefully everything is taken care of. I won't go into detail about it right now, because I am tired and my back is killing me.
Why is my back killing me? Well, sweet little Emily has been begging me to get her baby dolls out of storage. So, I loaded up 2 boxes of stuff we weren't using at the house and a tub of toys and traded them out at storage. I am so glad it wasn't hot outside. It was nice and breezy. Perfect weather to go box climbing in the storage unit. Who ever unloaded our stuff just piled all the stuff any way. No organization what so ever. It was dangerous maneuvering around in there. I felt like I was playing a life size Jenga game. In the process of lifting and rearranging in there I hurt my back. But, I did find everything that the kids wanted out of storage. They were in heaven! They haven't seen some of this stuff for six months, so it was like Christmas all over.
Here you go a frugal tip-If you are low on funds around birthdays and Christmas just pack up some of their favorite toys 6 months before the holiday so it is long forgotten and then when they open it up they will be so excited!
Around 3:30pm I was finally able to get cleaned up for the day. Better late than never. :) The rest of the day I just cleaned, watched a little Food Network programs, ate dinner (I didn't even have to cook tonight thanks to the MIL), and did some homework with Tyler. I was falling a sleep doing homework, I guess somethings just never change. Sean worked all day with Eddie and then had Ward Council to attend this evening. The kids just had a grand time playing with their "new" toys.
I dropped Tyler off at school today and on the way home I received a phone call from a friend who accidentally locked her keys in the car. So, she asked if I could take her little girl to school. Sure! Been there and it sucks so anything to help out a friend in need. I drop off the little girl. I was in good spirits, the "I just helped someone out today and it is only 9:00am" mood. That feeling quickly changed when I heard a message on the answering machine about a credit card we had SIX FREAKIN YEARS ago. Hopefully everything is taken care of. I won't go into detail about it right now, because I am tired and my back is killing me.
Why is my back killing me? Well, sweet little Emily has been begging me to get her baby dolls out of storage. So, I loaded up 2 boxes of stuff we weren't using at the house and a tub of toys and traded them out at storage. I am so glad it wasn't hot outside. It was nice and breezy. Perfect weather to go box climbing in the storage unit. Who ever unloaded our stuff just piled all the stuff any way. No organization what so ever. It was dangerous maneuvering around in there. I felt like I was playing a life size Jenga game. In the process of lifting and rearranging in there I hurt my back. But, I did find everything that the kids wanted out of storage. They were in heaven! They haven't seen some of this stuff for six months, so it was like Christmas all over.
Here you go a frugal tip-If you are low on funds around birthdays and Christmas just pack up some of their favorite toys 6 months before the holiday so it is long forgotten and then when they open it up they will be so excited!
Around 3:30pm I was finally able to get cleaned up for the day. Better late than never. :) The rest of the day I just cleaned, watched a little Food Network programs, ate dinner (I didn't even have to cook tonight thanks to the MIL), and did some homework with Tyler. I was falling a sleep doing homework, I guess somethings just never change. Sean worked all day with Eddie and then had Ward Council to attend this evening. The kids just had a grand time playing with their "new" toys.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Wrapping up the weekend
Friday- Sean and I were able to go out. Emily seemed all better after her medicine! We dropped the kids off at my dads. (All of them except Ethan) Then we stopped by Golf Galaxy to look at golfing shoes for Sean. After that we headed over to the St. Matthews Mall. It was kind of fun just browsing. Then we stopped of at Cinnabon and shared a cinnamon roll. YUM! After the mall we met Sarah and Eddie at Outback Steakhouse. We had a little bit of a wait, but not too bad. We were seated and we ordered our food. The whole time we were out Ethan was with us and he was really good, but of all things must come to and end. He started to get really fussy. By the time the waitress brought out the food there was nothing we could do to make him happy so I immediately ask if she would box my food up. Oh well, I wasn't mad. But, I was really excited too try the new Ahi Tuna Salad. Yum! Sean hurried and paid and we were on our way. We went to pick up the kids. The kids were a little hyper, to say the least. In the car, I asked to Tyler if grandpa gave them a pack of fruit snacks. Tyler replied excitedly, "He gave us two packs and 4 cookies AND 2 glasses of punch!" For Father's Day the kids gave grandpa a shirt that said- Grandpa's To Do List: 1. Load grand kids up on sugar. 2. Send them home. I called my dad up and said, "Dad, when we bought you that Father's Day shirt we didn't mean for you to take it literally." He just laughed. He had a good time with the kids and they had a good time as well. They played Uno, Go Fish, and told silly knock knock jokes.
We spent the rest of our evening hanging out with the Faulsticks at their house.
Saturday- We went to Tyler's soccer game. Half the team is good and half the team sucks. Tyler's team was defeated, hence half the team sucking. But that is not what matters, it's how you play the game. ;) We have a cute video of Tyler's cheering section at the game. Emily and Isabelle are the cheerleaders. They brought their pom-poms and megaphone. Go Tyler Go!!
The rest of Saturday was filled with laundry, cooking, and FHE. For FHE we talked about Alma. We decided on Chocolate Chip Cookie bars for treat. For the activity the kids voted and it was decided to watch the movie, Monster House. FYI Monster House was WAY to scary for my kids. Isabelle was clinging to Sean. Emily was stuck to me with her eyes glued to t.v. screen. Tyler would cover his eyes during some parts. Tyler called out to us, "I am going to have bad dreams." Well, I don't know if they had any bad dreams, but they are too scared to go downstairs or to the bathroom by themselves. I told them we can turn the movie off, but they all protested! It was kind of a strange movie, too.
Sunday- It has been a calm Sunday. The kids woke up good. The kids were good in church. Bonus!! The R.S. presidency was running around today passing out the new Visiting Teaching Routes. Who knew that new visiting teaching routes are such a big deal. It kind of reminds me of registration at high school. Everyone looking at their routes and hoping they get so and so. Just like school hoping you get this teacher and if your friends are in your class. I guess somethings don't change.
Well, all the kids have woke up from "quiet time" so time to play with them.
We spent the rest of our evening hanging out with the Faulsticks at their house.
Saturday- We went to Tyler's soccer game. Half the team is good and half the team sucks. Tyler's team was defeated, hence half the team sucking. But that is not what matters, it's how you play the game. ;) We have a cute video of Tyler's cheering section at the game. Emily and Isabelle are the cheerleaders. They brought their pom-poms and megaphone. Go Tyler Go!!
The rest of Saturday was filled with laundry, cooking, and FHE. For FHE we talked about Alma. We decided on Chocolate Chip Cookie bars for treat. For the activity the kids voted and it was decided to watch the movie, Monster House. FYI Monster House was WAY to scary for my kids. Isabelle was clinging to Sean. Emily was stuck to me with her eyes glued to t.v. screen. Tyler would cover his eyes during some parts. Tyler called out to us, "I am going to have bad dreams." Well, I don't know if they had any bad dreams, but they are too scared to go downstairs or to the bathroom by themselves. I told them we can turn the movie off, but they all protested! It was kind of a strange movie, too.
Sunday- It has been a calm Sunday. The kids woke up good. The kids were good in church. Bonus!! The R.S. presidency was running around today passing out the new Visiting Teaching Routes. Who knew that new visiting teaching routes are such a big deal. It kind of reminds me of registration at high school. Everyone looking at their routes and hoping they get so and so. Just like school hoping you get this teacher and if your friends are in your class. I guess somethings don't change.
Well, all the kids have woke up from "quiet time" so time to play with them.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Allergy Season is ALL the time!
Poor Emily! This poor girls seems to always be using her nebulizer!! I feel so bad for her. I want to find out more about her allergies but am having problems with her doctor.
As I was walking out to the car to take Tyler to school today, I could totally feel a change in the weather. Then this afternoon when I went to pick Tyler up from school Emily sneezed about 5 times just walking to the the car. She just asked for a treatment later on. Hopefully this doesn't mean a trip to the Urgent Care tonight. I am lucky that I don't suffer from allergies, but Sean is always sneezing so she gets it honest. I feel bad for all the people who have allergy problems. That is one thing that I am blessed that I don't have.
So, tonight Sean and I were going to double date with the Faulsticks and my dad was going to watch the kids. Now, I am wondering if I should let Emily stay at my dads. She really wants to go to Grandpas! And Grandpa is really excited for the kids to come over tonight. He went and bought games, snacks, and is going to make them dinner. We shall see. :(
I need finish what I started today- getting the fall/winter clothes out and washing them. I have been going through the summer clothes and putting some away and deciding which ones I will get rid of. YAY!! My favorite time of year is approaching. I have noticed some of the leaves of the trees are changing colors. Another blessing in my life is living in this area during the fall. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!
O.k. I serioulsy need to get ready for my hot date tonight and pray that Emily feels better!
As I was walking out to the car to take Tyler to school today, I could totally feel a change in the weather. Then this afternoon when I went to pick Tyler up from school Emily sneezed about 5 times just walking to the the car. She just asked for a treatment later on. Hopefully this doesn't mean a trip to the Urgent Care tonight. I am lucky that I don't suffer from allergies, but Sean is always sneezing so she gets it honest. I feel bad for all the people who have allergy problems. That is one thing that I am blessed that I don't have.
So, tonight Sean and I were going to double date with the Faulsticks and my dad was going to watch the kids. Now, I am wondering if I should let Emily stay at my dads. She really wants to go to Grandpas! And Grandpa is really excited for the kids to come over tonight. He went and bought games, snacks, and is going to make them dinner. We shall see. :(
I need finish what I started today- getting the fall/winter clothes out and washing them. I have been going through the summer clothes and putting some away and deciding which ones I will get rid of. YAY!! My favorite time of year is approaching. I have noticed some of the leaves of the trees are changing colors. Another blessing in my life is living in this area during the fall. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!
O.k. I serioulsy need to get ready for my hot date tonight and pray that Emily feels better!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007



Long Weekend
Friday evening the kids went go-carting with dad. I stayed behind and got dinner ready. We played an action packed game of UNO. I won! :) Sean and I watched the movie, Hitch. I forgot how much I liked that movie. So funny! I love the part were "Albert" thinks he can dance. He has got those crazy moves like, making the pizza, q-tip and throwing it away. I just laughed and laughed. That part reminded me so much of my sisters moves. I am still laughing just thinking about it. (Jessica, seriously if I didn't know any better I would have thought you did the choreography for that scene in the movie.)
Saturday was all about running errands. I went to the library to drop off over due movies. I went to buy makeup at Clinque. I went to Dillards to buy Ethan a blessing outfit. (Whoa! I know Ethan is 9 months old, so why did we wait so long? Here are the reasons- Ethan was born in Florida and we knew we were moving so we decided to wait to be around family and everyone could witness it. Then we tried to get every one's schedule to work with each other, but it never seemed to come into place. Then I guess after a few months of trying to accommodate everyone and it not working I guess I forgot. Poor Ethan! Poor 4th child! So, I said to heck with everyone and their schedules if they can't make it than....than can't make it- I won't be offended. If we don't bless him soon he will walk up there on his own and give himself his own blessing. ;) So, we had him blessed on Sunday.
I have issues with Saturday nights. Ever since I had the paper routes I kind of get freaked out. I feel like I am super pressed for time. I did the paper route for about 3 years. Saturday nights were the hardest for me with getting everything ready for Sunday for our family and then going in the middle of the night to do the paper since Sundays are the biggest paper of the week it took a little longer. I just feel stressed out on Saturday with getting dinner ready, kids in the bath, and just all the errands that I do on the weekends. Just kind of funny that even though it has been almost 2 years I feel have weird feelings. So this Saturday was a little hectic with the kids bathes and we had to have our FHE and get everything ready for church in the morning. We are usually a little early to church, but I wanted to have everything ready to make sure of that especially since Ethan was going to be blessed.
Sunday arrives. Of course Ethan looks adorable in his white little suit. The outfit came with a bonnet. I wouldn't have him wear it at church, but of course I do have to have a picture with him wearing it . He hated it! I put the bonnet on and I had to seriously hold his hands down so Sean's mom could take a picture of him in it. So, we were all ready for church and early. The kids did really a great job getting ready this Sunday. We prayed on the way to church that he wouldn't scream during the blessing. Since he is much older than the normal age of kids being blessed I knew he would not like the hands on his head. Sean was nervous too, but everything went fine.
Sunday afternoon we headed over for some grub at Stephen and Tammy's. I always enjoy hanging out with them. The kids had a great time running around with their cousins.
Labor Day- We had made plans at church to go to the zoo with the Ross's. Well we get there and it was so packed. We found out it was Ford Day. That really sucked. It took an hour out of our day , but since we were over in Louisville we stopped off and picked up a treat from KK. (Krispy Kreme- YUMMO!) We decided to go to Squire Boone Caverns and take a cave tour. We had a good time. The kids were really well behaved. After SBC we headed to the Ross's for a cookout. It was nice to eat good food and talk with our good friends while the kids had a blast playing with the Ross children. We had to leave a little earlier than planned because I was coming down with a BAD headache.
After 2 Excedrin and 2 Ibuprofen I went to bed and woke up without a headache Tuesday. :)
Saturday was all about running errands. I went to the library to drop off over due movies. I went to buy makeup at Clinque. I went to Dillards to buy Ethan a blessing outfit. (Whoa! I know Ethan is 9 months old, so why did we wait so long? Here are the reasons- Ethan was born in Florida and we knew we were moving so we decided to wait to be around family and everyone could witness it. Then we tried to get every one's schedule to work with each other, but it never seemed to come into place. Then I guess after a few months of trying to accommodate everyone and it not working I guess I forgot. Poor Ethan! Poor 4th child! So, I said to heck with everyone and their schedules if they can't make it than....than can't make it- I won't be offended. If we don't bless him soon he will walk up there on his own and give himself his own blessing. ;) So, we had him blessed on Sunday.
I have issues with Saturday nights. Ever since I had the paper routes I kind of get freaked out. I feel like I am super pressed for time. I did the paper route for about 3 years. Saturday nights were the hardest for me with getting everything ready for Sunday for our family and then going in the middle of the night to do the paper since Sundays are the biggest paper of the week it took a little longer. I just feel stressed out on Saturday with getting dinner ready, kids in the bath, and just all the errands that I do on the weekends. Just kind of funny that even though it has been almost 2 years I feel have weird feelings. So this Saturday was a little hectic with the kids bathes and we had to have our FHE and get everything ready for church in the morning. We are usually a little early to church, but I wanted to have everything ready to make sure of that especially since Ethan was going to be blessed.
Sunday arrives. Of course Ethan looks adorable in his white little suit. The outfit came with a bonnet. I wouldn't have him wear it at church, but of course I do have to have a picture with him wearing it . He hated it! I put the bonnet on and I had to seriously hold his hands down so Sean's mom could take a picture of him in it. So, we were all ready for church and early. The kids did really a great job getting ready this Sunday. We prayed on the way to church that he wouldn't scream during the blessing. Since he is much older than the normal age of kids being blessed I knew he would not like the hands on his head. Sean was nervous too, but everything went fine.
Sunday afternoon we headed over for some grub at Stephen and Tammy's. I always enjoy hanging out with them. The kids had a great time running around with their cousins.
Labor Day- We had made plans at church to go to the zoo with the Ross's. Well we get there and it was so packed. We found out it was Ford Day. That really sucked. It took an hour out of our day , but since we were over in Louisville we stopped off and picked up a treat from KK. (Krispy Kreme- YUMMO!) We decided to go to Squire Boone Caverns and take a cave tour. We had a good time. The kids were really well behaved. After SBC we headed to the Ross's for a cookout. It was nice to eat good food and talk with our good friends while the kids had a blast playing with the Ross children. We had to leave a little earlier than planned because I was coming down with a BAD headache.
After 2 Excedrin and 2 Ibuprofen I went to bed and woke up without a headache Tuesday. :)
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