I think I am going to ask the doctor's office if they will be willing to rent out one of their rooms to my family because we are seriously at the doctor's all the
freakin time!! Oh my gosh, I think we have been to the doctors office FIVE TIMES in TWO MONTHS!!
Yesterday morning Emily woke up not feeling well. This past weekend she sounded like she was catching the cold that has been being passed around from child to child, but with Emily and her breathing problems I never can be to careful. I had a presidency meeting yesterday morning so Sean took Emily. The doctor checked her over. She has nothing but a nasty cold, but the doctor told us to continue breathing treatments as needed. We asked if she has Asthma, but she told us "no". She said Emily suffers from allergies which causes her to sometimes have Asthma like symptom, but since she doesn't use the
nebulizer everyday than she doesn't have Asthma. They did give Emily an unexpected shot- the flu shot. Emily went crazy, Sean said. He had to hold her down for the nurse to give her the shot, but once it was over Emily started laughing. When our kids get shots we always take them to the Dollar Store and let them pick out one item. It always seems to "heal" their pain. ;)
I really didn't get much accomplished yesterday. I paid a few bills, did some laundry (only wash and dry, no folding), made dinner ( I cooked all last week) and helped with homework. Huh, sounds like a normal day, I guess I don't get much accomplished any day then. It is so sad when I am busy all day long and exhausted at the end of the day, but I look around and I think to myself, "what did I do all day long?"
The missionaries stopped by last night. They seem like a hardworking pair of missionaries. I love it when the missionaries are so excited about the work that they are doing and then that helps me get excited again. Not that I don't care about preaching the gospel, but life gets so busy and other things take priority. Last night I was trying to think who I could talk to about the gospel. Such a hard thing for a couple of reasons- 1. It will
definitely make me come out of my comfort zone. 2. All I hang out with for the most part are members of the church. I need to be a better member missionary. Sean is going out with the Elders tonight to help teach a family. I am sure he will enjoy that.