Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A new addition to the Boscos

Waverly feeding her new little sis.
Dustine and Aulbrey

Aulbrey Ann Bosco
Two of the big brothers and one big cousin. :)

Aulbrey Ann Bosco was born on July 8th, 2009. All I remember is that she weighed 10 1/2 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Anyways, she is very cute and her brothers and sisters LOVE her VERY much. This makes SIX for Steve and Tammy. Here are some pictures of the little bundle of joy.


Unknown said...

I didn't know she was preggo:) Congrats to them! That's awesome and she's so cute!

Shantell said...

She is so cute! Wow, I can't believe they have 6!

will, jess, gabbie, kensie, cambrie... said...

a new addition huh...she probably like 6 years old by now because you haven't updated your blog....loser! :)