Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

Well here I am on Mother's Day and enjoying some time to myself. I stayed up way too late with Sean watching, Music and Lyrics and making chocolate chip cookies. LOVE the movie!! I keep singing the songs in my head. The cookies turned out kind of strange. I need a fool proof chocolate chip cookie recipe!!

I was so tired! I really need to go to bed earlier. Sean left around 8:30am for meetings so again I was on my own getting everyone ready. It actually works out better for me or that is what I keep telling myself.

The Sacrament program was nice. The talks were good and so were the musical numbers. Tears came to my eyes a little when Emily and Tyler were singing with the primary kids. It made me think that not too long ago I was up there singing to my mom. Time goes my so fast I try to take it all in. For Mother's Day the ward handed out flowers and a music cd that had the youth singing songs and playing musical instruments. It was all very nice. The primary had the kids plant flowers in pots for the moms. I went to pick up Isabelle from nursery and I asked her if that was my flower she was holding. She told me no that was her flower. I said, "But it is Happy Mother's Day." Isabelle corrected me and said, "No it's my Happy Birthday." Well there goes my flower. Next kid was Tyler carrying his flower. I said, "Oh is that for me?" He said, "No this is my flower, but I made you a necklace." (And he did make me a beautiful construction paper flower necklace. Love it!) Emily was my last chance of getting a flower. I went to pick her up from her class and to my surprise she smiles and says, "Here is your flower, mom. Happy Mother's Day!" She hands me the flower and a bonus treat with a cookie and a chore coupon! I knew I could count on sweet Emily! I love the flowers and the thought that went into it, but only one problem- the mess of transporting the flowers home. We had two spills, one at church (thanks Mike for cleaning that up) and one in the car.
We got home, changed clothes (hey Jess remember Sunday Olympics?), got lunch, and finished baking those yucky chocolate chip cookies. I tried resting, but really couldn't with Tyler and Isabelle jumping on my back.

I got started making the side dishes to dinner. Sean was making T- bone steaks for a real Mother's Day treat. Man those steaks were DELICIOUS and oh so tender! Thanks babe!!
After dinner we played Jenga and Uno with the kids and called it a night!

I had a great Mother's Day! I feel so blessed to be a mom to 4 wonderful kids! I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ that helps me to focus on the eternal plan of being a family forever and with that learning to become a better mom. I am grateful to my mom for the numerous sacrifices she went through with raising my brothers and sister, and I. I am grateful to her for teaching me to work. I am grateful for her awesome example of prayer and fasting. She is an awesome woman and mother. I am truly blessed and I thank my Father in Heaven.

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